“But healthcare as an enormous, cost-sucking entity is fundamentally broken, and it’s weighing heaviest on providers—increasing burnout, decreasing satisfaction, and creating friction in already clunky workflows. And of course, this crisis has terrible and tremendous degrading impact on the business of healthcare.
In order to drive change and actualize outcomes, we need all players to join the work…
1. …that’s already happening. New apps and workflows are great, but, if done imprecisely, they further build the silos that we’ve been trying—largely unsuccessfully—to bring to the ground. Employ interoperability initiatives already in flight; partner with multiple organizations to support collective conversations. Join the fight, rather than creating new ones.
2. …that isn’t pretty: We need new market players to dig deep into the work that is most impactful on physicians, patients, and staff day in and day out: documentation burden and the sheer lack of accessibility and connectivity. Technologies like AI will dramatically shift the course of healthcare—but we’ve got to apply them to the heaps of work weighing down on-the-ground shoulders before we can think to elevate them to the moonshots.
3. …quickly: Two doctors recently published an op-ed on the clunkiness of EHRs, and it’s all painstakingly true: the majority of time spent documenting, the failure of industry-wide interoperability, the lockjaw of federal requirements. Why are EHR systems so primitive?they ask. Because innovation tends to come in separated spurts with long periods of stagnancy in between. What we need is a cohesive approach to curing healthcare—and we need it now.”
The foregoing excerpt from the March 28 2018 LinkedIn post by Jonathan Bush, CEO and co-founder of athenaHealth, entitled “Welcome, Big Tech, to the Healthcare Revolution” (https://bit.ly/2GuYSlt) concludes with the author’s prediction that “Those who ultimately succeed will be those who collaborate in the cloud and connect across patients, providers, payers, and care settings to make headway in reducing provider burnout and improving the provider-patient relationship.”
The Cloud Healthcare Appliance Real-Time Solution as a Service (CHARTSaaS)© reference architecture (RA), specifies a software development environment (SDE) that is architected for use by healthcare provider subject matter experts (SMEs) to create, operate and optimize mobile information technology (IT) applications or “apps” without IT staff assistance. These apps can be designed to automate standard-of-care and best-practice processes such as pathology-specific clinical pathways, differential diagnosis or treatment planning using features for process/case design, Boolean rules/decision design, Bayesian multi-dimensional similarity and predictive analytics, connectivity and interoperability with electronic health record (EHR) systems and other CHARTSaaS© subscriber sources of data. The healthcare provider SME can operate these features using drag-and-drop and point-and-click techniques design, develop, deploy, operate and optimize mobile apps.
CHARTSaaS© can qualify healthcare provide SMEs to satisfy Mr. Bush’s call for “new players in the healthcare ecosystem”by enabling them to create mobile apps that leverage EHR system data and functionality with real-time cognitive support. Please validate this proposition to your own satisfaction by reading the white paper at http://bit.ly/2vmK1Rx, and viewing these presentations:
- 12-minute presentation re CHARTSaaS© to automate the Hand-off Communications use case
- 35-minute presentation describing the genesis, structure and function of CHARTSaaS©
To do so will mitigate medical mistakes (currently the third leading cause of patient deaths in the USA, per Makaray and Daniel (http://bit.ly/1rtW6Sa); thereby minimizing patient adverse events and optimizing clinical case outcomes while maximizing the cost-effectiveness of care and treatment, and also accelerating the accrual and facilitating the application of medical knowledge. Please contact me, Pete Melrose, at jpetermelrose@gmail.com or +1 (612) 201-2301 to discuss and decide re how you or your organization can participate in development completion and launch of CHARTSaaS©. Patient lives may depend on your decision. Thanks for your consideration and hopefully your support, and good wishes for another great day!