“There are lots of people, like me, who think if you aren’t looking at a platform that incorporates a few levels of social and can generate applications for several mobile operating systems, you’re not thinking down the road far enough …
Platform as a Service will give you many more capabilities beyond building and running conventional apps. That might include the ability to generate different applications from your website to Web-based apps to conventional apps, all running off the same corporate data. Wouldn’t that be nice? And, yes, they’ll be able to run on multiple devices with different operating systems. It won’t be easy, but a platform like this will help make your applications and business processes unique. A high-end platform will enable you to invent apps no one else has even thought about …
Your platform is the portal to the future of your business. It’s that important. It will help you manage your information handling and application development costs and save money. It will also help your business evolve as customers, markets and economies change. Generally speaking, look for something that has more capabilities than you need right away—capabilities that you can add to your portfolio as they are needed. In picking the platform that’s right for your business, you first need to do some soul searching: Where is your business going? And what do you need IT to do for it? Answer those questions first; only then will your direction be clear.”
The foregoing excerpts from the white paper entitled Picking the Right Platform Is One of Life’s Big Choices by IT analyst and consultant Dennis Pombriant (https://secure3.convio.net/gyrig/G2016_PC2/dashboard.html?fr_id=3306) summarize what should be the vision of healthcare providers regarding the future of information management: Platform-as-a-Service + Software-as-a-Service = Solution-as-a-Service. An information technology (IT) solution compatible with the Cloud Healthcare Appliance Real-Time Solution as a Service Reference Architecture (CHARTSaaS RA) will enable healthcare provider subject matter experts to create IT applications, a.k.a.”apps,” in a matter that will leverage legacy electronic health records (EHRs) and other IT applications in a manner that will provide real-time cognitive support for administrative and clinical users without placing additional stress on IT staff and systems. Please validate this proposition to your own satisfaction by reviewing the details of CHARTSaaS and the CHARTSaaS RA in these presentations, and then by imagining a CHARTSaaS-enabled IT solution:
Healthcare providers and their patients will benefit significantly from appreciating and then applying a CHARTSaaS RA-compliant IT solution. To do so will mitigate medical mistakes (currently the third leading cause of patient deaths, per Makaray and Daniel, http://www.bmj.com/content/353/bmj.i2139), thereby minimizing patient adverse events; and also will optimize clinical case outcomes while maximizing the cost-effectiveness of care and treatment and accelerating the accrual of medical knowledge.