“The successful implementation of real-time patient safety initiatives have long been a goal of health system CIOs.
Unfortunately, parsing notifications from individual medical devices, reliance on physical spot checks of patients, and the lack of rules-based analytics to assess a patient’s current condition in real-time or identify signs of deterioration puts that achievement out of reach for many hospitals and health systems …
Continuous electronic monitoring (CEM) is the obvious best practice—and one recommended by the Joint Commission, the Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation and other healthcare advocates and agencies. Although it is more often utilized in high-acuity settings, such as intensive care and med-surg units, ever-increasing emphasis on detecting potential adverse clinical events makes enterprise-wide CEM a tantalizing solution …
However, CIOs considering adoption of this solution face a number of significant barriers, including:
- Inadequate vendor-neutral device connectivity and the inability to send notifications and real-time patient data to mobile clinical communication devices.
- The adoption of additional monitoring devices, such as pulse oximeters and capnographs, which bring with them an incredible number of false notifications—triggered by patient movement, suspect measurements or other non-actionable alerts—that increase the risk of alert fatigue.
- Data filtering that lacks rules-based analytics for real-time prediction and clinical decision support.
More intelligent methods are required for detecting actionable conditions—analytics that extend beyond the mere setting of vital signs thresholds.
The ability to track patients throughout the hospital, continuously add new devices, and distribute real-time patient monitoring to centralized dashboards and mobile devices should be a major consideration for CIOs tasked with implementing real-time healthcare solutions. Challenges include the following.”
The foregoing quote from the Health Data Management article by Janet Dillione published on April 25, 2017, entitled “Why continuous monitoring will challenge CIOs and their IT systems” (http://bit.ly/2p64Wr2) summarizes the concurrently critical and complex nature of continuous electronic monitoring (CEM). A Cloud Healthcare Appliance Real-Time Solution as a Service (CHARTSaaS) integrated development environment (IDE) compliant with the CHARTSaaS IT reference architecture (RA) includes the components needed for healthcare provider subject matter experts to design, develop, deploy and operate CEM management applications a.k.a. apps with minimal cost and IT complexity.
Please validate this proposition to your own satisfaction by reading the white paper at http://bit.ly/2nhwqpd and then by reviewing the details of CHARTSaaS and the CHARTSaaS RA
in these presentations:
Healthcare providers will benefit significantly from appreciating and then applying a CHARTSaaS RA-compliant IT solution. To do so will mitigate medical mistakes (currently the third leading cause of patient deaths. per Makaray and Daniel http://www.bmj.com/content/353/bmj.i2139), thereby minimizing patient adverse events and optimizing clinical case outcomes while maximizing the cost-effectiveness of care and treatment while accelerating the accrual and application of medical knowledge.