“Speaking of this moment, when cognitive computing is advancing rapidly in healthcare, Rometty said, ‘I hope to persuade you of three things. First, it is real, it is here, and it is mainstream, and it can change healthcare. I think we’re going to make three key architecture decisions in the next two to three years, that will change the world, and healthcare will change more than any other industry,’ she said. ‘And cognitive computing could usher in a new golden age in healthcare, if it is shaped wisely.’
Expanding on that comment, Rometty told her audience, ‘First, cognitive healthcare—artificial intelligence—is mainstream, and it is real. There’s a land rush a round artificial intelligence right now. And I don’t mean speech-to-text on the front of a search engine. I mean real application in healthcare, financial services, and retail, and so on. So I thought I’d share five lessons we’ve learned in applying AI [artificial intelligence] to healthcare’ she said. ‘One, those who are successful with AI end up developing a range of cognitive services. Second, you have to provide transparency. Who trained it? What data was used? You have to have confidence in what you’ve done. Third, it’s got to be domain-specific, meaning that it has to be developed by healthcare people trained in healthcare. Fourth, it has to be hybrid cloud-based, with security. You’ve got to be able to connect people in disparate environments. And finally, fifth, it’s got to be done by an ecosystem of people.’”
The foregoing excerpt from IBM CEO Ginni Rometty’s opening keynote address on the second day of the HIMSS2017 conference in Orlando, Florida, USA, as reported by Mark Hagland in the February 20 special edition of Healthcare Informatics (http://bit.ly/2lJ2XHH) makes clear the requirements for successful cognitive computing in healthcare, by which she means both medical practice and healthcare delivery. These five “lessons” that have been learned by IBM in the application of artificial intelligence (i.e. — its Watson natural language-base analytics solution) to healthcare are: 1) develop a range of cognitive services, 2) provide transparency regarding development of the included intelligence, 3) engage healthcare subject matter experts in development and use, 4) implement the solution in a hybrid cloud environment, and 5) include an ecosystem of healthcare professionals. The non-functional/platform-based and functional / intelligent business process management suite-based features and functions specified in the Cloud Healthcare Appliance Real-Time Solution as a Service (CHARTSaaS) reference architecture (RA) encompass all five of these lessons.
Please validate this statement to your own satisfaction by reviewing the details of CHARTSaaS and the CHARTSaaS RA in these presentations, and then by imagining a CHARTSaaS-enabled IT solution:
Healthcare providers and their patients will benefit significantly from appreciating and then applying a CHARTSaaS RA-compliant IT solution. To do so will mitigate medical mistakes (currently the third leading cause of patient deaths, per Makaray and Daniel, http://www.bmj.com/content/353/bmj.i2139), thereby minimizing patient adverse events; and also will optimize clinical case outcomes while maximizing the cost-effectiveness of care and treatment and accelerating the accrual of medical knowledge.