“… Hospitals looking to establish precision medicine programs may need to investigate niche vendors, rather than relying on EMR [i.e. — electronic medical record a.k.a. electronic health record system] functionalities, according to a KLAS Research report.
KLAS interviewed providers about their experiences with popular precision medicine vendors for its report, the second of a two-part series evaluating precision medicine vendors. The health IT research firm noted that although EMRs are the most commonly deployed technologies in the healthcare setting, providers are ‘extremely skeptical’ about whether EMRs will play a primary role in precision medicine.
Eight percent of providers said they felt their EMR vendor would play a leading role in their precision medicine program, compared to 28 percent who said their EMR vendor would play a limited or negligible role. The plurality of providers, 44 percent, expected their EMR vendor to play a peripheral or supportive role, citing issues like precision medicine being ‘too complex’ for EMR vendors to handle, according to KLAS …”
The foregoing excerpt from a Becker’s Health IT & CIO Report article by Jessica Kim Cohen entitled “Hospitals must look beyond the EMR for precision medicine programs, KLAS finds” in the November 14, 2018, edition details the pending need for expert artificial intelligence (AI) information technology (IT) products and services that exceed the presumed ability of the widely installed EMR/EHR systems to provide them. One realized, the Cloud Healthcare Appliance Real-Time Solution as a Service (CHARTSaaS)© IT reference architecture can fill this gap through a combined use of its Interoperability feature, which implements the HL-7 Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR)® and other system connectivity and data exchange standards; and its Analytics feature, which implements various multi-variate Bayesian methods to effect similarity and predictive analytics using patient records archived in accessible EMR/EHR systems©.
Please validate this proposition to your own satisfaction by reading the white paper; or by viewing a presentation.that describes the background, purpose and scope of CHARTSaaS©; or by viewing a presentation that describes how SMEs can use CHARTSaaS© to create a mobile app for handoff communication mistake mitigation. CHARTSaaS©-built apps can mitigate medical mistakes (currently the third leading cause of patient deaths in the USA, per Makary and Daniel); thereby minimizing patient adverse events and optimizing clinical case outcomes while maximizing the cost-effectiveness of care and treatment and also accelerating the accrual and facilitating the application of medical knowledge. Please contact me, Pete Melrose, at jpetermelrose@gmail.com or +1 (612) 201-2301 to discuss and decide re how you or your organization can participate in development completion and launch of CHARTSaaS©. Patient lives may depend on your decision. Thanks for your consideration and hopefully your support, and good wishes for another great day!